Enjoy Every Footstep, Every Flower, Tree, Rock, Blade of Grass & Enjoy Every Viewpoint. Our purpose is one of enabling, encouraging those coming along to enjoy walking in the countryside & the benefits it brings, to our physical & mental health.
Who Should Join the Group? Those who want to enjoy the countryside in the company of others and are prepared to encourage, engage & mutually support each other in pursuit of their pastime.
Helping the Community. Walks will range from short health walks & simply experiencing being in the outdoors, through to more difficult mountain walks under the following titles Walk & Talk, Wellness Walks, Walking for Mental Health, Walking with a Map, Personal Moorland & Mountain Walking Skills, Learning for Adventures, Walking for Pleasure & Sociability, Walking to Learn, Walking for Adventure, Scrambling Ridges & Summits, Shinrin Yoku, Forest Bathing.
All of our Wellness Walks, Walk & Talk, Introductory Walks & Rambles are FREE for participants. Some of our skills courses do have a very small cost to offset the considerable cost of running the group. Other funding comes from voluntary donations.
Session Leader is a Fully Qualified UIMLA International Mountain Leader, with over 20 years of professional experience, former Outdoor Education & Sport Lecturer, Outdoor First Aider, Mental Health First Aider, Enhanced DBS Certified.
Walks will ALWAYS be at an easy doable pace.
See more at our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/karlsoutdoors
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